In our first three years, cochu's skill and artistry has been recognized from San Francisco to London to Florence and we have now won 86 national and international awards including 52 world final medals!
Here’s a sampling:
2020 - 2022 coming soon
2019 World Finals, Florence, Italy
Gold: Pecan Pie Bar
Bronze: Hazelnut Crunch
2019 Canadian Nationals, International Chocolate Awards, Toronto, ON
Silver: ButterSCOTCHSilver: Hazelnut Crunch
Silver: The Balvenie & Prune
Silver: Tonka Bean
Silver: Latte Bar (Phil & Sebastian coffee)
Silver: Pecan Pie Bar
2019 Academy of Chocolate Awards, London, UK
Gold: Pecan Pie BarSilver: Tonka
Bronze: Tea Blossom
Bronze: Salted Cultured Butter Caramel
Bronze: Roasted Coffee (Phil & Sebastian) Chewy Caramel
Bronze: Hazelnut Crunch bonbon
2018 International Chocolate Awards: we decided not to enter this year but will hopefully next year!
2018 Academy of Chocolate Awards - 3 Gold, 3 Silver & 2 Bronze
London, UK
Gold: ButterSCOTCH
Gold: Balvenie Scotch Whisky & Prune
Gold: Hazelnut Crunch Bar
Silver: Bread & Butter
Silver: Caramelized White Roasted Coffee
Silver: Dark Racha Peanut
Bronze: Gingerbread Bar
Bronze: Blood Orange & Balsamic Caramel
2017 Best Chocolatier & Confectioners in America Award
International Chocolate Salon
San Francisco, USA
6-Star Grand Master
(one of 10 in North America, and the only Canadian in 2017)
2017 International Chocolate Awards World Finals
London, UK

Silver: Gingerbread bar

Bronze: Hazelnut Crunch bar
Bronze: Roasted Coffee (Phil & Sebastian Ethiopian Ageze & caramelized white chocolate) bonbon
2017 International Chocolate Awards Canadian Nationals
Toronto, ON

Gold: Blood Orange (& Balsamic) Caramel bonbon
Gold: Ginger Caramel, milk chocolate bonbon

Sliver: Gingerbread bar
Silver: 'Racha Peanut bar

Bronze: Roasted Coffee Phil & Sebastian bonbon
Bronze: Hazelnut Crunch bar
2017 Academy of Chocolate Awards
London, UK
with over 900 entrants from over 35 countries around the world

Gold: Latte bar

Silver: Cassis bonbon
Silver: Screwdriver bonbon
Silver: Gin & Tonic bonbon
Silver: Cherry Gin bonbon

Bronze: Wildflower Honey bonbon
Bronze: Dark Roasted Coffee bonbon (dark)
Bronze: Roasted Coffee bonbon (milk)
Bronze: Ginger Caramel bonbon
Bronze: 'Racha Peanut milk
2017 International Chocolate Salon Top Caramel Awards

Bronze: Ginger Caramel
2017 International Chocolate Salon Top Spicy Chocolate Awards

Bronze (Best Ingredient Combinations): 'Racha Bar
2017 International Chocolate Salon Top Artisan Toffee Awards

Gold (Most Unique): Caramelized Sponge Toffee
2017 International Chocolate Salon Top Chocolate Bar Awards

'Racha Peanut Bar
Gold (Most Unique)

'Racha Peanut Bar
Silver (Best Taste)
Silver (Best Ingredient Combination)

Mendiant Bar
Bronze (Best Ingredient Combination)
Bronze (Best Taste)
Bronze (Best Bar)